Some time ago we were out perusing flea markets and yard sales, and my eyes spied a lovely little footstool. (Yes, we sometimes feel like Grandma and Gramps, looking at flea markets! Mos of the time, we are the younges LOL) My wallet smiled too, because if memory serves correctly, I believe I only shelled out about $5.00-$7.00 for the thing. It's been so long ago that I don't have or just can't find a picture of how she originally looked in all her circa 1992 glory. I will say she had a dark cherry stain and country blue cushion.
Here's a picture of the cushion, a' la Home Interior 1992:
In other words, "it ain't my style!"
So what's a DIY girlie to do? I grabbed a can of spray paint and a yard of much cuter fabric and got to work!
Step 1: PAINT-
My weapon of choice: Krylon Indoor/Outdoor White Gloss. Simple as that. I will say that I had previously painted the legs with a different type of spraypaint, and it was an ugly flat color. So I guess it sort of served as my primer, ha! So really this was my second go-round with getting this footstool back into action!
Step 2: FABRIC-
Next, I began to cover the cushion with my new fabric while I waited on the paint to dry. I completed this project on my front porch while my daughter played nearby. The sky was overcas, so the pics are a little blueish. I basically layed the cushion over my lap and wrapped the fabric around it. I then used Mr. Bee's staple gun to staple the fabric to the bottom of the cushion.
Stapled around the corners:
The newly re-covered cushion with my handy staple gun:
The finished project:
(So proud I actually started and finished a project, even a small one like this, ha!)
I have the perfect spot for this little jewel...our home office/treadmill room :)
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