First up, we had the Part I Reunion of my ladies of RHOOC. Oh Lawd. They were wild and crazy and we aren't even finished yet! Gretchen and Tamra were really at each other's throats last night, and I really am getting tired of Tamra feeling she is important enough to discuss EVERYONE else's love/work/financial lives. Like really, get your own crap together first. I thought Peggy handled her first reunion very well, she was mostly quiet unless Andy asked her a question, but I have a feeling that is all about to change next week when they begin to discuss Alexis & Jim! Ha! Those two are a whole other case of crazy! I completely understand wanting and having a traditional marriage, but let's get real here, people! I really think she exaggerates it all just to get the attention. (duh.) And let me also point out how I find it kind of crazy that Alexis and Gretchen side with each other against the other wives. Gretchen, a self-described liberal woman who isn't sure she even believes in marriage anymore (!), and Alexis, the wife some have described as a "doormat" to her husband. Wow. Anyway, let's discuss Vicki and Donn. I really felt bad for Donn, and think he was probably being very genuine when he stated that the whole situation was not handled with dignity & respect. It seems like they renewed the vows, and then Vicki is crying to Tamra about having "serious issues." And I ALSO really think Donn made a good point when he talked about how he wasn't sure if Vicki hanging out with Tamra had any influence on their marriage. Vicki sees Tamra get a divorce, and then having "the time of her life" with her hottie boyfriend, and BOOM, Donn is out the door. Whatev.
Can't wait for next week! Now, when are my Beverly Hills ladies coming back!?
Let's not forget those Jersey girls. Let me first say that Teresa and Joe (Gorga) really need to get their crap together. Anyone who watched last night could see how much each of their kids love each other. It's really sad to see this division in their lives. They are both crazy though. I find it hilarious how on every Housewives show, there is at least ONE who think they are singers. Hello Kim (Atlanta), Hello Luann (NYC), Hello Gretchen (OC), and now, Hello Melissa! Ugh. Just be happy being a spoiled, narcissistic Housewife. I mean really! LOL They honestly are like watching a trainwreck. You love 'em and you hate 'em, but either way, you can't tear your eyes away! LOL On another side, I love how Momma Caroline just waltzed into the local radio station and wanted to start her own radio talk show. Wonder how that will pan out? She does crack me up though. Her little quip about being thrown in the swamp had me laughing out loud. Oh and another thing, Ashley is REALLY getting old. The "poor little me" I have to commute into the city, Wah! Can you hear the violins playing for you Ashley? And then Chris decides to get her a brand new freaking Jeep. Ugh. It really disgusts me. THEY are HER problem. They are the reason why she is the way she is. It's annoying. It'll be interesting to see how long she keeps THIS new car. I wanted to slap her when they were sitting at the dealer and SHE wanted to lay the ground rules of who could drive the car SHE ISN'T EVEN PAYING FOR. GROW UP. GET A LIFE. End of RH Speech.
We had a wonderful weekend spending time with friends and family. I shot a former co-worker's wedding on Saturday and was so excited to see my old co-workers. I think my next post may be a "Queen Bee's Prior Life" post. Hahaha. No, I'm serious. ;)
I hope you all had a great weekend as well! :) Muah!
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