So girls, this past weekend I experienced a life-changing moment. Now, I'm not pregnant (although I was recently asked, ugh), we're not moving, and I'm still jobless. Ha. In all of my 26 years here on this wide green Earth, I have never been the proud owner of a Chi flat iron. Until now!
Whoo-hoo! I purchased this beauty on sale at JCPenney, and can't believe I'm just now entering the Chi world. Wow!
Their sale flyer even had a coupon, so I got it for way less than the original retail price. I was pumped to say the least. I have the thickest hair known to man, and it used to seriously take me over an hour to straighten my hair to get it looking even halfway decent. This baby slashes the time at least in half! I couldn't be more happy with my latest beauty purchase! :)*********************************************On another note, I recently attended my first COUPONING CLASS! (It was a weekend of firsts for me, ok?) I know surely you have heard of this little show: 
I've been trying to dabble in couponing for a while now, and I guess with this little show it's caught my attention just like the rest of America. Major box stores such as a Kroger and Wal-Mart have even changed their store coupon policies as a result of this show. Anywho, this class was hosted by my cousin's sister in law, and they went over the basics and showed some of the deals they had recently gotten and how much they paid vs how much they saved. Who doesn't want to save some money in this day and age!? Huh? Hello, is anyone there? Now, I love a good deal and clipping coupons, but you will NEVER see me clear a store's shelf just because something is cheap or *free.* I can't tell you how many times I've checked a favorite coupon website to see a good deal, gone to said store, and the product mentioned be COMPLETELY OUT OF STOCK. It's so aggravating! This was a Christian-based couponing class, and they stressed thinking "of your neighbor"and only taking what you NEED. If you've ever seen the TLC show you see the stockpiles that some of these crazy people have. Who honestly needs 500 rolls of toilet paper, or 30 bottles of mustard? Let's get real here people! I thought I'd list a few of my favorite couponing websites for those of you who are interested in saving some money and finding the deals! :) (You'll thank me later!)
Trust me, after you get that first good deal by using the sales and a coupon, you'll be hooked!
Mrs. Bees' Favorite Coupon Websites: (recently featured on"Extreme Couponing")
Just a hint: These websites do all the leg work for you, they scope out the deals for various products, tell you the price, where to find a coupon, and the final price you will pay. Now, coupons are very regional, so these that I have listed work well for Central Kentucky and the surrounding areas. If you live elsewhere, I would search for other websites that may be more beneficial for you!
Also, I recently found a super cute blog that pulled at my bargain-finding heartstrings:
Miss Lindsey, over at The Bargain Blonde, has all kinds of sweet stuff on finding beauty bargains! She recently wrote a review on ELF $1 False Eyelashes, and I have to say, I am in LOVE with the ELF line of cosmetics! I had tried some of their stuff a looooong time ago, maybe in high school, and had forgotten about it until recently reading several of my favorite bloggies boasting about how great this stuff is. So, what did I do? Of course I ran to Target and grabbed up 5 new items to test out. ELF's line of makeup is mostly $1, $3, and $5 price points.
Hello, Awesomeness~!
I'll let you know what I think in an upcoming post! I'm still playing with all my new ELF goodness!
PS-I jazzed up the blog a little with new buttons and a new background, lemme know what you think :)